Nov 18, 2009

You x 2 ?

Do you believe soul mate? Technically, they exist. It’s like another you in the world. But would you be pleasure to accept ‘yourself’? Some people may.

What I believe is that people are not fated to be together. They met, they fell in love and they work hard on their relationship.

If people come from different circle, have different dreams, can they have a happy ending? If understanding is the key, sometimes saying not understand is shown much more understanding than saying understand.

Or love is just a chemical response which makes you feel ‘you are in love’. But when the magic is over, what love is? Just ugly truth, or warmth stories?

People always say ‘your life is about yourself’. But what is myself? Deeply inside, I want to see the world; I want to experience differences; I want to take an adventure like there is no tomorrow. Can I be the person I dream to be?
- Be true to yourself. But which one is true me? and what am i be afriad to lose?

Y. @ Hobart

Nov 16, 2009

BEing creative

The two-way Mirror Campaign
Brife: Introduce the new TV show 'Practice' to a new audience
Solusion: Make people wintness an investigation scene. By Creating a two - way mirror effect in theaters.
Results: +4.5% audience two weekd after the launching of the event.

I have to say it is a brilliant advertisement ever which is totally satisfied people who wants to peep at others.

Technology has changed people's life forever.

No matter how the world is changing, funny people still make fun on everything as they can.

What would it looks like on Yan's face? ... :{

Camping site in the city?

Have your 'parking' in the city~

Even the napkins are custom with some snappy copy.
Who couldn't smile on it. ? : )

Don' t forget to put smile on your face, as smile can shine your day~

Nov 12, 2009

if i am a bird

if i am a bird, i would be happy just being a bird
being able to fly free and high up from the earth
i want to reach the top of mountain, or cross the deep blue ocean
wind will guild me to my derection, yet i don't know where is great destination
i only know that one day i will be tired
couln't move further in the empty sky
I will look for a tree to hide
and i will fly back to your side
can't wait to fly back to your side


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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

